When eaten, Buzz Buttons Electrifies the Zombie, damaging it over time and slowing it down. Electrified zombies shoot Lighting at other nearby zombies.
特殊:eating zombie has the Electrified Condition applied to it
Electrified Condition:Electrified Zombies are slowed down and take damage over time. They periodically shoot Arc Lighting at nearby Zombies.
Charged Condition:Zombies hit with Arc Lightning from Electrified Zombies will get the Charged Status applied to them, slowing them down for a brief period
特殊:eating zombie has the Electrified Condition applied to it
Electrified Condition:Electrified Zombies are slowed down and take damage over time. They periodically shoot Arc Lighting at nearby Zombies.
Charged Condition:Zombies hit with Arc Lightning from Electrified Zombies will get the Charged Status applied to them, slowing them down for a brief period
He’s about to pop!